Full Term Fruit

I was so set that Cap, the kid 1, would come early. I don't know where or why I came to those conclusions, but 40 finally came and I was still pregnant. A week later, my large 9 pound son arrived. It was one of the longest hardest and glorious weekends of our marriage.

Now I sit here with the kid 2 inside of me and I am now considered full term. I have never been forward about my due date, because I know how it can be those last few weeks. Everyone you see and know looks at you with a little pity and says, "You are still pregnant." Ummmm....yep. Still large and gaining weight daily thank you.

Since February, I have had many revelations and growth in some areas in my life. I am so thankful to be able to use these last few months in prayer and seeking truth out from the lies I accepted as a daughter of the King. I will no longer be conformed to the patterns of the world, but will be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Then I will be able to test and approve what God's will is, His good, pleasing, and perfect will.

You always here that your second baby tends to come early and quicker. As much as I would love to pray and believe for a baby that comes early and healthy, it just doesn't feel right like it once did. I now look at it like picking fruit from a tree or vine. I should first say I am no expert! Fruit is meant to be picked from the vine when it is ripe and ready. Picked at the right time, it should come off easily without damaging everything around it. If I have to put my body weight on an apple in our backyard just to get it to come off, well, it might not be ready to do so and I might just take down a whole limb!!!

So I guess instead of asking for this kid to come soon, Bryce and I are believing the kid will come at the right time when the fruit is ready. As big as I might be if the kid comes a week past due date, we will wait patiently.

Here's to full term fruit!!!

Pregnancy with Kid 2 continues

Pregnancy has been the same yet much different this time around. It has gone much faster and has been busy in a very different way than with Cap. I still love being pregnant just like with Cap. Best womanly thing I have ever been apart of or something like that! I am getting very excited about being done though. 4 more weeks till due date, though I know how that can go! This is mostly for me but here is a list of differences between kid 2 and Cap.

1. bigger faster
2. kid 2 is straight up and down, Cap always felt diagonal
3. most of the time kid 2 feels smaller
4. heart burn early in pregnancy with kid 2, later on with Cap
5. out of breath easily this time because kid seems so high, Cap was low
6. i haven't been as swollen this time. can still fit my ring on some days.
7. didn't start peeing in the middle of the night until 32 or 33 weeks. With Cap it was at 3 weeks!
8. this time, no trigger finger or de quervain's syndrome
9. for the most part, i have slept awesome! best in 3 years. first time, no sleep.
10. kid 2, lots of hiccups. Cap, some, but all in the middle of the night.
11. a really good salad with a side of doughnuts sound good, last time, milk, ice cream, and zaxby's

Back to resting while my sweet boy is asleep!


Dinner after a long day at the pond! He was SO tired!

same shirt, different day! poppy reading a Jesus story to 
him before bedtime. we got poppy for a quick 20 hour visit!!!
cap was so excited for him to be at "his" house.

Another Conversation

Last night Cap was sitting on the toilet showing me his scabbed knee. On Saturday while we were walking to some garage sales he fell on the downhill sidewalk and got a little scrapped up. Somehow, he has never had any bad scabs on his knees. Just on his face. I was telling him it would be better soon and the scab would fall off. He looked at me and said, "I go to a garage sale soon and put my scab back on concrete." As he said it he grabbed his scab and threw it on the ground. So funny!

Our Farm

When we pulled up to Lowes, Cap shouted, "A Farm!" He was so excited. This farm was full of pansies, snapdragons, dianthus, lilies and other beautiful flowers, but to my son it was a farm. The storage buildings for sale on the left even gave a 'chicken coop' feel to it. May be if we explored inside we could pick up those much needed eggs. There were various sizes of shovels and rakes and hoes. Bags and bags of dirt. What a farm we landed in!

We came home after spending $8 on flowers that needed some serious love. Cap did not care about the condition of these flowers and how they looked. I love that kids don't look for perfection. After nap time, we got hard at work. Separating flowers in pots, filling them up with dirt, and watering everything very generously with our blue elephant watering container. 

A couple of days later, we planted some marigold seeds. This is something my mom did with me and my two younger brothers every summer growing up. It is one of my favorite memories. So I of course have been eager to do this with Cap. After we put the seeds in the dirt and watered (and I mean he watered them!) he found the perfect spot in the sun to put his own little yellow pot. He sat down and said to me, "I will sit down and watch it grow." He was serious as he found his seat and stared at his yellow pot. I, of course, ran inside to grab a camera. 

The first picture is of the first day we planted flowers.
This is before his haircut. He looks SO much older with his hair cut!

The first spot he picked to sit and watch his flowers grow was 
actually where his left arm is, with a leg on each side of the wood. 

He takes his watering job very seriously as you can see.
Tongue out and all.

As much as he tried, he couldn't be serious forever. 
Still has some lunch on his face too:)

There are a few things we have taught Cap that I love and really stick out to me right now. Cap used to get so mad if I couldn't produce whatever tractor he wanted to see while we were driving in the car. It was constant. So we started telling and teaching him that to see cool things, you have to keep your eyes open. It changed the tone and mood of the car immediately. Instead of demanding, we started exploring (which he knows that word very well). He would even tell us to keep our eyes open too. We have now been doing this for at least 5 months!

The other thing is telling him he is STRONG and COURAGEOUS. This is a big one to me. While I was in San Angelo last August, my mom and I were at a cute little shop in the village shopping center. They had this huge canvas of this tree and on the side was the following verse: "Be strong and courageous...  The Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go." I knew right away in my heart that verse was for Cap. A couple of months had gone by since seeing that verse and Bryce was telling Cap he was strong and courageous. It took a couple of weeks before it hit me that we were both speaking that over our son. For a little while, when I would pick him up and tell him he was heavy, he would say "strong and courageous!" What a great thing!

The last thing that sticks out that I want to write is about adventure. Two days ago, Cap and I went to the front yard to wait for Bryce to get home knowing it would be any minute. Before he got home, Cap shouted "let's go on an adventure!!!." Music to my ears. I asked where he wanted to go on his adventure. He looked around and said, "Ummmmm....that way! Up to see tractors!" So off we went when dad came home on a family adventure and exploration. Cap doesn't think that a park is limited to swings and slides and sand pits. One of his favorite places to go is Ute Valley Park which is across the street and covered in trails, rocks and adventure! 

These are some things I just wanted to remember. My son IS strong and courageous. He is learning to keep his eyes and his ears open. One day when the Lord calls him to a dangerous life of adventure, our prayer is that he hears His voice and says Yes! 

Cap Quotes

This is a busy season in life for us right now, but I didn't want to forget these from yesterday!

Cap was playing with a big set of Bryce's tools after his nap. Looking very serious, he grabbed one of the wrenches and said, "I working soooo hard just like daddy working soooo hard."

Cap was playing outside with his usual trucks, buckets, shovels, etc. When he came back to the front door I told him he did a good job getting dirty. He looked up at me smiling and said, "Your welcome."

I was making homemade pizza for dinner and Cap wanted to taste the dough. I pinched him off a piece and told him that was his only piece but he would have some for dinner. He sat on the floor after eating it and said, "1 plus 1 pizza dough please." Bryce asked, "What is 1 plus 1?" Cap said, "2." We were both shocked and I of course gave his brilliance another piece!

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