This is in honor of my sweet, handsome, and adventurous husband...
Bryce's birthday was this past weekend on the 13th. We are pretty engulfed in work right now being that it is a summer camp and all. Free time is just not happening lately, but we are enjoying what we are doing and loving doing it together. We managed to sneak off during lunch Sunday and go out to eat by ourselves. What a treat! We hung out at the bookstore for a little while afterwards too. While we were out I had our team back at camp decorate our house and buy all the goodies to make homemade ice cream. When Danger walked through the door he was so surprised!!! They were all waiting inside screaming and blowing noise makers as he walked through the door. It was great!! We played games, talked and enjoyed some delicious dessert with our co-workers.
We have been married over 3 years now. Hard to believe, yet I can't remember not having him with me either. This year has been particularly good to us. It is not that everything is perfect or has gone how we have wanted it, but we have learned much and grown much together over the last few years. I think we are done figuring out some of the basics of marriage and living together, and have been enjoying the hearty meat of being one. I have always been madly in love with Bryce, but I am finding ways to show him my love better. I have known since day 1 that I have a dream husband. Our prayer has been since the beginning that God would use this marriage to bring honor and glory to his name. I am because He is.
I don't have some of our best pictures on my computer to post, so these will do. Some of you have been able to cross path's with Bryce to see what an incredible man he is, I hope more people get to do the same. I have learned so much from Bryce and I can't wait to learn more. He is my adventure partner, my beloved, closest friend, my handy man, the sexiest man I know!!! and we call him danger.