And This Boy

This guy is such a character! With Tuolumne taking two naps we are stuck at the house most days. Cap still naps in the afternoon at the same as her, but he goes to bed a good hour later most nights now. Summer times are full of long days and we are trying to find a way to have fun and have the girl taking naps! It is tricky and keeps us stuck most of the time. But we are TRYING!!!! 

This was an evening bike ride with just me and Cap. He couldn't find his sandals so he came upstairs with his boots on. I loved it!

He loves going down any hill he can find

He was saying "my boot are swippery!"

you never see merry go rounds any more, but the park down the street has one


The Tornado

My little Tornado. There are going to be a lot of pictures in this one! Cap was a little younger when I did this same first painting activity with him. He was a little sick at the time and the experience was 95% miserable for him. My clean boy did not want the paint on him. This girl of mine however, I just knew would be different. Cap didn't hardly touch his 1st birthday treat, my Tuoly will clabber hers this Saturday!

And we start

bbc (baby butt crack)

Started with one color first, green

She wanted to show me

Then we added some yellow 

She was loving the paint in her fingers

She was off to find the yellow paint bottle 

Mean while, Cap was painting some letters
C, A, P 

While taking pictures of brother she found the red

Her first "intentional" paint on the canvas

then the foot got in it

At some point she got it on her lips...pretty cute!

she now realized she could see herself

crawled over 

checking it all out

looking at the mess

high fiving herself for the mess

decided to get more messy

we then went on to eating it

We decided we were about done at this point. All this took place in about 6-7 minutes!
It was incredibly chaotic, but fun! No tears either! The key to doing stuff like this with little ones, is to plan it ALL out. Have it ready before hand and think about clean up. We had a bucket of water ready to go when it was over with a wash rag.


11 months

She is going to be 1 by the time I finally post this! Written at 11 months but just now putting it up.

- your newest nickname is Tornado. your destruction still amazes me!
- you like to pass things back and forth
- you seem to really like music or things that make noise
- if a guitar is on the floor you crawl immediately to play on it, you even use it as a walker because it slides so nice on the carpet floor
- you will eat pureed food, but prefer what is on our plate
- you love to eat dirt and you once ate an entire dandelion, you were too quick for me to catch!
- persistent, persistent, will serve you well one day if it is harnessed in the right way
- you sometimes cry at night for a week straight. It can last for 2 hours or just off and on all night long. I have no idea why you do this. The only thing I come back to is you are overly tired and it makes it hard to sleep at night. Then you are back to sleeping fine the next week. Doesn't make much sense. We are way past going in your room at night, but still you cry on!
- you have really thinned out now that you are moving around so much, though you are just as heavy!
- you had Roseola this month. you were more miserable with it than you were with the flu back in February
- you can unzip things, which amazes me! you are very good with your fingers. you even unclip your bullet leash as soon as I put it on you.
- you try to attack the toilet paper when you go to the bathroom. sometimes you win.
- i am convinced you are trying to say a lot of different words.
- you copy lots of sounds and faces we make
- Cap STILL makes you laugh the loudest and hardest. you two are so silly together!

I love you and I think you are awesome.

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