My chubby boy

We were spending time out at Mattaw the other day, playing with the kids outside, and Cap in the middle of it all, when I got asked a strange question. "what are these?", a little one asked with his hands on Caps arms. I didn't understand and asked, "what his arms?" He said, "no, these." as he moved his little michellion arms back and forth. I then realized what he was referring to. I said, " we'll, we call those fat rolls." he looked confused. I was shocked at the thought of Cap being considered fat. I looked around me at all the children gathered around us and I didn't find any fat rolls. They touched and poked his arms as to somehow straighten his crinkles out, but with no luck. That conversation for some reason has stuck in mind for days now. Especially as I pack morning and afternoon snacks for Cap, because I don't want him to get hungry. It is these little things throughtout the day I am trying to pay attention to. You know what's funny, it isn't a calling necessarily to feed the hungry and take care of the widows, it is a command. As followers of Christ we are commanded to take care of the least of these. Lord help me to love, clothe, and feed the naked and hungry. Help me to obey Your Words.

Given much

Here we are, sitting in Kitale, Kenya, listening to the rain fall on our metal roof drowning all the mysterious sounds out as our little boy sleeps. It has been a nice couple of days relaxing and getting settled here in the guesthouse of our missionary friends here. We have been out to Mattaw Childrens Home twice now and also to the new girls home which is rescued girls from sex trade. We also were part of rescuing a 2 year old from the slum who has too long of a story to share on here. Her name is blessing. She looked 8 months old and felt lighter than Cap as I carried her out of her boxed home. There is a lot to think about, a lot to process, thankful for those with the heart to rescue the weak and those giving there money to help do so. Story after story, child after child waiting for an earthly rescuer. Thank you for your prayers. They are felt. Cap is doing amazing! Sleeping 14 hours at night and transitioning to 1 nap very well. So thankful he is adjusting so well. We won't have pics till we get back and that is only if we use our camera! Love Jesus, Love life, Ball family

texas take 1

Rather than write a whole right now I will post Texas in pictures. Cap and I had a great time and I think everyone else did too! He did great the whole time for the most part. Lots of funny stories to share, but we have been busy busy making a home here in Colorado Springs before taking off Saturday for Kenya. We are spending our first night at our new place tonight. I can't wait to make memories here. I will try my hardest to post at least one more time before leaving. Enjoy,

boy loving some strawberries and my mom holding him
 so cute on the swing, he just cracks up!
 cooling off from the 100 degree temperature we had
when we first got there, which by the way i LOVED

 had to check out what was on the other side of the fence
since he has never been around fences!
 first snow cone, monumental for me
banana sugar free (tasted normal)
few bites then he was on to better things

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