Here is what Cap is up to at 3 months:
- talks a lot
- studies all sorts of objects
- will win any staring contest
- pees in his pot a lot, not a lot of poo catching yet
- best laugh ever
- smiles all the time except when overstimulated then he becomes very serious
- is trying to figure out how to use his hands
- doesn't know what to think when he is in water
- went on his first over night backpacking trip
- sleeps through the night every other night or so
- eats every 4-5 hours
- no more middle night feeding, just a diaper change
- 9 month clothes fit best
- is lonely in his car seat when no one is riding with us (we don't care for this one)
- needs a blanket or something on the side of his face when he sleeps
- scratches his head with his right hand a lot lately (looks like a monkey when he does it!)