
i hear and say so many words

yet yours is the word i need

speak now,

and help me to listen


if what i hear is silence,

let it quiet me

let is disturb me

let it touch my need

let it break my pride

let it shrink my certainties

let it enlarge my wonder

5 Months

Summer camp officially ended last night. We still have a lot of great things going on in the off season. We get all kinds of groups renting our facilities out, using our waterfront, climbing wall, etc. So it doesn't actually slow down until mid-to-late-October. Our scheduling definitely changes though. Bryce starts school this coming Wednesday. We can take a day off here and there which is fantastic! No more free meals and dishes done for us. I have enjoyed and appreciated that more than ever this summer. Oh, and all of Cap's friends are gone!!!! He hasn't figured it out yet, but I think sometime next week when he realizes he has only seen my face and Bryce's face, he will get a little sad...or a lot sad. Not sure. Well, today Cap is 5 months old. Last year at this time, I was hearing his heart beat for the first time in my belly. Life is amazing. Here is what the little guy is up to these days.

- sitting up really good on his own
- constantly trying to do a sit up so he doesn't have to lay down
- has slept past 7 a handful of days recently
- does not like taking naps, we don't really force it and I am hoping it changes now that summer is over
- can copy noises or sticking his tongue out
- got his first sunburn, and peeled a little....I felt terrible!
- loves the lake and slashing
- love his sippy cup and is no longer shocked when water comes out, but barely drinks anything out of it
- sucks his toes
- rolls a lot more when he is in the mood
- blue eyes still
- birthmark on the right side of his chest showed up, a brown continent of some sort
- he is crazy about his dad, and me:)
- still has the best belly laugh and cutest smiles
- moved to the size medium on our cloth prefolds
- wears mostly 9-12 month clothes, 12 month fits best

I am off to get a few things done while he is sleeping! Oh, and he is going to have a new cousin come February!!! Congratulations to my brother Jeromy and sister(in-law) Britt!! Can't wait to meet him or her!


a boy on the move!


Here a couple of pictures that capture some great moments in our life. We also took family pictures Sunday morning so I will have more to post when we get those. Emilie did a great job!!! He got some sneak peaks of the session:) I hope this finds you all well!

BBC - baby butt crack

after a long swimming session

My Favorite Guys

In the four summers I have spent at Camp Rockmont, this has by far gone the fastest. Our jobs are almost the same but life is much different now. Past summers, a good portion of our jobs was out on the field leading wilderness trips. Now we spend more time directing and doing logistics rather than actual time out. When you are out in the woods, time moves much slower. It is this beautiful thing. That is why it would take all summer to build the kind of relationships we build on our 2 week adventures. The setting is quite optimal for growth.

We have had a great summer. Lately, Cap and I, and Bryce when he is here, have been going to the lake to get wet. Cap learned how to splash water with his hands last week. It is awesome! He will splash and splash, get water in his face, make this gasping noise, smile, and do it all over again. I have found he takes better afternoon naps after playing hard in the water. Sometimes, when he is fighting sleep we just go down to the water instead. I figure if he isn't going to sleep we might as well be wet and cooling ourselves off! I think next year will be even more fun with Cap in the lake.

Other little notes about the week. Cap has been making this hilarious noise. It is ridiculously high pitched and he is doing it all the time now. He tries to sing when I sing, or at least I think that is what he is doing. He will copy noises we make. Yesterday I was making noises through the breast pump funnel and he grabbed it and started to try and make noise through it too. He slept from 7:45 till 6:00 this morning and then played in his crib for 40 minutes talking to his animals and looking in his mirror. His eyes for some reason look bluer this week to me. Could be that he got a little sun and they are just popping out??? I wish I took more pictures, but my huge camera is just not something I want to add to the diaper backpack and lug around camp. Here are some pics off our front porch the other night.

I think he is a daddy's boy big time!
He misses Bryce like crazy when he is gone!

This is pretty much what he is up to these days.
Sticking everything in his mouth!

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