Cap turned 6 months this past Tuesday. Here are some things we want to remember.
- he can roll all over the place, but he has to be in the mood
- in fact, he kind of likes to conquer something, then just move on and not be that into it (reminds me of someone :))
- super aware of what is going on...the smallest sounds or movements catch his attention
- beautiful blue eyes still
- 18 1/2 pounds, 65 percentile
- 17.5 inch head. 75 percentile
- 27.5 inches long, 85 percentile
- had his first non-tata food this week, avocado...he loved it. we have been trying rice cereal for 2 days now and he does not love it. his face looks like mine does when there is a lump in my mashed potatoes. there may be no hope for this stuff, but i can't blame him. it doesn't even look good especially compared to avocado! any tricks from the moms out there???
- is pretty over taking naps most days :( he is more into cap-naps...20-30minute things here and there, but he does occasionally take an hour or two morning nap
- sleeps great at night and has been sleeping till almost 8 or so these past few mornings
- puts everything in his mouth as usual
- no signs of teeth
- started to make more real talking sounds, loves to say bahbahbahbah which is so cute with his little toothless gummy mouth of his
- redish hair with a great olive skin tone
- prefers standing to sitting
- still independent, but has these days where he wants to hang on us all day and not be put down
- great traveler and gets lots of compliments on how well he does on the planes
- loves to play in water
- loves to go on walks or sit on the front porch
- will watch the wind blow in the trees or how it makes the fern spin in circles on our porch
- drinks my milk in a bottle like a champ finally!!! now we can go on dates!!!!
- aware now when we aren't the ones holding him and when we leave a room and does not like it sometimes
- crazy about his dad! watches him like crazy!
- loves to look at books...well not look at them, but go up and down the pages with his hands feeling the entire page! and of course, trying to eat them also
- started to wave this wednesday. he does it backwards. very cute!
- adorable laugh
- was left with strangers this week for the first time while i went to a woman's bible study
- speaks with his entire body
- distracted eater 3/4s of the time
- plays with my hair when he is eating
- has considerably more hair than last month, it just got thicker or coarser or something?!
I could probably write a lot more! It has been great month with him and he of course is growing everyday. I have more to say about the month but that will be for another post. Enjoy!