Snow and Texas

Cap and I flew to Texas before he turned 2 and had to start paying for a seat. The weekend before we left we got a great snowy day to play in. We really haven't had too many snows that were worthy of sledding. But this one was! I was so excited for Cap to try it out. He of course had tons of fun! Riding down the hill with him was one of my favorite parts of the day. We both just laughed and laughed all the way down.  

Once we got to Texas we could take off our down coats and put on our chacos pretty much! We had one day in the mid-80's! Here are some cute pictures of Cap with his cousin Leo. Leo wants to do what Cap is doing. Cap wants to do what Leo is doing. It is fun to watch them interact. 

Cap isn't so sure about Leo getting into his personal space:)

We had a little early birthday party for Cap. Small and simple. He was excited to play at the park and eat a cupcake! We had lots of fun. It took Cap so long to eat his cupcake that the other kids were back to playing. So we did gifts at the house after dinner.  

He really liked throwing the tissue paper and being silly with Ma!

He got lots of fun stuff, but this was the most exciting for him. He always plays with the ones at Target, but we never had one. He took off around the house immediately.

I had to add these next 2 pics. Christmas Story all the way!
He was too cute in his goodwill snow suit!!!

I mean that little bum is hilarious!

My little character of a son

Cap's personality has quite blossomed over the last month or so. He is such a character. We have been kept in stitches with his funny conversations and the silly things he has been up to. He has been testing his limits both physically and with us, but we don't take is personal. Each new stage has new yes's and new no's and he is trying to figure out what those are. Especially in our "I'll do it" place we are in:)

6 years ago today I married my beloved. I remember thinking to myself before Bryce that I will probably never get married. I had my list of traits that I desired in a husband and it was not going to be easy to find the guy who fit. I knew for certain by going back to Yosemite for ministry I surely would never find my husband there. One of the first new people I met on arriving back was Bryce Danger Ball.

I can't stress enough to single women who I talk to the importance of waiting. Waiting for Bryce was the best and hardest thing I did during those years of my life of waiting for my mate. There were times I thought I would never find him, but I am so thankful I heard God's voice telling me "Don't Settle! I have a great gift coming!!!" Things I didn't even know I wanted or needed I have found in my lover. We have had great adventures these past 6 years, and we are trying to figure out how to have more and how to live more dangerously for Him.

Thank you Bryce for waiting for me! Thank you for asking me to grow old with you.

So, now on to some pics of our trip a few weeks ago to Texas. I don't think I will post them all on her today. But just a few that show Cap's personality a little better.

checking out the birds he was hearing

doing some riding

first sidewalk chalk!

Cap's words, "Lining them all up. All done working"

He them lined up but then realized one out of order.

Turned it the other way.

Now...All done working. 

More pics later!

Terrific Twos

El Cap turned 2 at 11:20 this morning. It has really hit me all of a sudden how big he is getting. Not necessarily physically. Let's me honest, he never really had that whole baby look going on! He always has seemed bigger than his age, but in the last few weeks he "got big".

The older he gets the more I love this little boy of mine. I loved him before he even came to be. I loved him even more the first time I got to hold his fresh out little body. After 2 years of getting to know him, and seeing who he is becoming, I love him even more. More than just love him, I really like him.

Today I let him pick everything we did. Well, I told him we would go to the zoo first, but only because I knew he would want to and not know it was an option. Here was his want list: church, park, tractors (didn't get too specific), library, and black ice cream (chocolate).

So this is what our day kind of looked like.

I asked Cap what he wanted to see at the zoo and he yelled TRACTORS!
I was more than happy to supply at least 15 different construction 
trucks to be working the entire time we were there. 
This was right at the entrance. Hard to get the boy inside after this!

Still looking at trucks! Naming EVERY ONE!

Lots of animals then some bench lunch.

Now helping push the stroller to the restrooms. 

He could not even look at the gorillas because all he could 
see was the gorilla poop! Oh, and their bum cracks! 

Taking a rest on a very big chair.

 Awesome Orangutans playing around on ropes, but my son just sees 
the construction crew on the horizon. Hard to get him to leave this spot.

In between zoo and park, we went to help Bryce with the work van.
It wouldn't start. Then we went to Target to buy this awesome dump 
truck with a gift card from his Uncle Bryce, my brother!
Cap did happy dance in store then didn't take his eyes off of it!

At park, starting the fill up. 

 Letting me know it is getting full. 

 We keep adding for a long time even though it was falling off the sides. 

Took a 2 minute break to ride car.  

Now telling me ALL about it.

Taking a rest. After 45 straight minutes his job is done. 

Then we went to the library where Bryce met us. Read books. Ate a sandwich. Went home for ice creak and cake. We had a blast. I purposely planned a day with just me and Cap. I know he would have enjoyed other kids and friends to come along, but selfishly I just wanted him to myself. I get him most days, but today was different. It wasn't full of things that need to get done, dishes to do, or a schedule to keep. It was just me and him having fun and enjoying the sun ALL DAY! I couldn't have asked for better weather. I was reminded by the end of the day, that Cap needs a new sun hat. And I need a hair cut so my sun hat will fit again!!!

Cap, we are so proud of you. You are strong and courageous and very brave. You are compassionate towards others and I love so many things about you. I can't wait to see you grow another year. I am so blessed to be your mom. Keep exploring and having many adventures! Still let me hold your hand and cuddle with you some too please:) I love you!

Cute conversations

(written almost a month ago, but thanks to no internet on this computer and the iPad being funny on blogger, here it is!)

Cap has been such a character! I don't know if I have mentioned how much he talks, I think I have???, but the boy talks non-stop with us. He doesn't just say words, he speaks in sentences. We get stopped a lot about our talking boy! In the car, Cap will wear you out with all of his talking. He doesn't just talk to talk, he talks to have conversation with you. You have to respond no matter what he saying because he will say it hundred times if he has to just so you will acknowledge what  he is saying.

These are a few cute little conversations we have had recently. I wish I remembered more!

Story 1:
I hear Cap in our closet saying "wipe off, wipe off".

Me: What are you wiping off?

Cap: Kisses.

Me: Well who gave you kisses?

Cap: Jesus!

Me: You don't want to wipe off Jesus' kisses. Those are good kisses!

Cap: (laughing) Wipe off, wipe off!

Story 2:
Every time Cap wakes up in the morning I ask him if he had any dreams. Most of the time he gets really excited and says "Tractors!". One morning I asked him about his dreams and this time he said Jesus.
Me: That must have been a good dream. What was He doing?

Cap: This. (he spread his hands out. we have had several talks with reading our Jesus story
 book how Jesus' hands out means love)

Me: Oh, yes that means love.

Cap: (sad faced) ouchies (pointing to his face).

Me: Yes Jesus did have some ouchies but He is all better!

Cap: Yes. Hmmm. Hmmm.

Story 3:
Dinner time and I get up to get myself some toast. I come back to the table and Cap smiles and says, "Lucky dog!" Now he says lucky dog to a lot of things! Very cute!

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