Rubber bands and Fire Trucks

 A very typical question you get when you are pregnant with the second, I am finding, is "Well, what does Cap think of the new baby coming?" This is somewhat tricky to answer. After all, he was about 20 months old when we starting sharing the big news with him. The first few months, he didn't really care much. No big deal. Since about January, he has changed a lot with this new concept of a new baby around.

I would say every other day, typically, you can find Cap doing some of the following:
kissing the baby
tickling the baby
tackling the baby!
telling the baby to come out and trying to "grab him" out of my belly button
putting toys up my shirt for the baby
telling me what he is going to "teach" the baby
etc. etc.

Cap has such a great personality. I am not worried how he will react when this kid is actually out of my belly and with all of us in person. He is going to be a great big brother. I just don't know if he gets that this kid won't be able to play with his trucks with him right away:)

Cap found these rubber bands several weeks ago when it was too cold to play outside. He was SO focused and patient on putting them ALL on his dump truck. He played with them for days! Now they just get played with for 10 seconds and then take 30 minutes to pick up. I decided to put them away for a bit, so they will become a hit when we need them to be:)

cute little tongue hanging out

We have some good friends here who are part of the Air Force. Jacob is a firefighter for the Academy. He offered to take Cap to see the fire truck and station one early evening. Jacob and his wife Lacey have 2 kids. Riley is 10 months older than Cap. Leyton is 3 1/2 months old. Cap and Riley have tons of fun together most of the time. We love this family!

Cap has SO MUCH FUN! We still talk about how he got to ride in a fire truck and honk the horn. What a treat for this truck loving boy for sure!


This boy did it!

We finally were able to celebrate having a dry night this week! We have been so close for so long, but we did it! Cap was so excited. For the last month we have talked about what kind of donut he wanted. Somewhere along the way 1 donut became 2! So he wanted a black one and a pink one! He was thrilled to pick them out. There were no pink ones but there were pink sprinkles on the black "chocolate" covered one. He had the whole donut in the pick and about half of my chocolate with creme one too. What a morning we had:) Sugar is crack...period. But it was well worth the treat.

He woke up the next morning dry too, but we just did a small piece of chocolate instead of donuts. We will slowly move on to other "treats" to keep reinforcing what a great job he is doing staying dry.

Our naps on the other hand have been pretty poor. We do crib rest time no matter what! He has an opportunity every day to take a nap. He stays in there a long time too, any where from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. He just talks and talks the entire time! It is pretty entertaining, but I have to listen the whole time he is in there in case he ask to go potty. Not so restful for me. I don't know what to do. I don't think there is anything I can do. On those days I put him to bed at 6:30 which I must say is nice, but I just wish he would nap. I think we just need some warm sunshine and some hard days playing outside. Apparently, CO has no springtime.....sigh.

I guess one day we will wake up and it will just be summer! Looking forward to that day for sure!

Carrying the Kid

I haven't talked much about being pregnant this time of around. With Cap, everything was new and fresh. We took pictures of my "belly" every 4 weeks, never missing a one. Bryce went to every dr. appt. except 1.

I did hours and hours of research on cloth diapers and infant potty training. I also had to research and make decisions about all those baby MUST HAVES and decide what kind of parents are we wanting to be. For us, all that stuff was a pretty big deal.

Then there were the "this is how you birth a baby" and "this is how you breastfeed" classes. Very helpful and informative. No regrets about taking them.

Oh and how the days and weeks lingered all the way up to my due date and beyond. It seemed so very slow. I thought how could people do this over and over. Surely the suspense would kill me by kid 3!

Here we are this time around 31 weeks in and well, nothing above has really happened. Despite the fact that we haven't taken a single belly picture, I still have a beautiful belly carrying a much anticipated and loved kid growing daily inside of me. My weekly baby center updates telling me the kid has eye lashes, or can swallow, or flex his/ her arms is still as magnificent as it was with Cap. Every kick, push, hiccup, or sneeze leaves me in awe and dreaming of this life inside.

We may not be set on a name till after birth like with Cap, but this kid of ours is loved. The kid may be set up in our closet or living room for some months, but we are preparing a "room" for him/her. I love carrying the kid. What a blessing to serve my family in this way.

Missed Pictures and Updates

I think I forgot to post a few from our little gathering. I couldn't find them on the blog, but may be I just keep overlooking them?? Who knows? Did I mention that I am pregnant and might have lost my mind a little?

On another note completely, I wanted to share a funny nighttime story with Cap.

One night, Cap and I were reading our usual Jesus stories. We were reading again about how God made EVERYTHING...birds, the sky, trees, mom, dad, etc. Then we put on our pj's and we were about to pray and Cap said something about his penis. I said what? Not understanding what he was saying. He said it again. Still not knowing, I said your penis itches? He said it once more and this time I understood. He was saying God made my penis too. Very straight faced I said yes he did make your penis. Then he said and he made my bum crack too. And of course, he is using his hands showing just exactly what God made. It was too cute! He ended it with telling me God made his cheeks:)

We have been really enjoying the weather and being able to play in our backyard so much! Cap could spend hours outside by himself digging and moving dirt and rocks from place A to place B. I LOVE that we live in a house with a fenced backyard! What a blessing! Yesterday I was wearing a skirt and today the feel like temperature at its warmest hour will be -4 degrees...yes minus. We will be back in the 50s and 60s by Thursday. 

Almost 2 weeks ago, I decided Cap needed to be in undies at night. Every morning when I would take his diaper off I would say something like, "Wow, you are wet!". And then he would spend minutes trying to convince that NO he was dry. One of the many reasons I don't like disposable diapers! It would be silly to use 1 cloth diaper a day though, so we have been using 1 disposable a day since he was about 17 months old. 

So back to no more diapers. It is not working at all. The first night was our best night. Barely wet in the morning, and a lot more morning pees than usual. Then it has gone down hill since then. We have been really playing it up about wearing his tractor undies to bed and not a diaper. He knows he gets a donut in the morning if he is dry. We cut liquids early, eat early, and I am at a lost to what to do next. I am doing lots of laundry. I don't want to go back to diapers though. I want to commit to it. He is in his bed at night anywhere from 12 to 13 hours. It is a long time to stay dry, but I just think he can do it. Any thoughts or advice? Neither one of our families has a bed wetting history. He is almost 25 months old and rarely has accidents during the day for months now. Dry at naps. Anything else???

Well, back to watching the snow. This woman is not going outside today!!! 

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