- 30ish pounds and i think 34 inches tall
- you are STILL very addicted to your mom!- you are a mini-me
- you are wild and free
- you cry A LOT! you know what you want, how you want it and can get pretty upset if anyone gets in the middle of your plan. even if it is to help!
- you are independent. i had to force Cap to undress and dress himself but you have been attempting this since right after - you turned 1! you aren’t there yet, but boy you sure try!
- you are a great eater. prefer veggies over bread. not sure what i would say is your favorite food is. may be potatoes, rice and beans, or broccoli.
- you are the fastest walker! again, a mini-me! as soon as you were walking you were “running”!
- you are so good at pretending. this started right after you turned one also, but it is so fun to watch you and Cap play.
- you are happy to be by yourself, but by the end of the school year i think you were ready to have your brother back!
- you are so persistent. you don't give up and don't even get frustrated too easily for being 2. i can't wait to see where this trait takes you.
- you learned how to ride your scooter this past month. you steer heavy to the left which leads you to the rocks every time!
- get you on a trail and you light up! you are such a great hiker and you love to be outside. i love holding your hand and running down trail with you while you laugh the whole way down.
- can't say you love sweets but you do love chocolate!
- you call eggs eggies and undies ugies. thank you sounds more like knick knack.
- you hardly are putting 2 words together though you have improved a lot in the last month.
- you can sit through long Dr Sues type books and Brown Bear Brown Bear was your favorite for months last year. we have had many book casualties since you joined our family.
- it is not unusual for you to cry once a week or every other week at night time. as strict as i am with sleep time you have kept persisting. doctor said last month that may be you are having nightmares or night terrors so now we just pray against every night.
- you wear 3t tops at least and 2t/3t bottoms.
- size 7 shoe as of this week
- you have the biggest belly and the cutest figure to me. you look so strong in my opinion.
- you have become very brave in the pool. you still don't choose to get your head and face in the water but you don't make a big deal of it when it happens. when i say we are going to go swim or go the pool you do this cute hand motion like you are swimming. it is pretty great.
- you love to swing at the park. you would do just that for an hour if i let you.
- you are just like your brother in stores. you both just come "alive" in them. it is so funny. you are both so silly when i shop.
- your hair is very curly and when we went to Padre it became even more so! most people their would stop and tell you they loved your curly hair.
- your first plane ride was to South Padre Island this past May. you did great but threw up before the second flight. the week before that you got car sick and threw up in the car. yuck!
- after months and months of practicing you finally learned how to jump. you had me worried for awhile!!!
Happy Birthday Tuolumne! You are such a toot but we are so happy you are part of our family. You are wild and free and brave. We love you!