Say No to Castor Oil, Yes to Kites

Today marks 39 weeks. 7 days until our projected due date. It's a little strange to think this could happen at any moment. Not that the Kid will just fall out at any time, but this whole laboring process could start taking place whenever and wherever. Just strange.

I start looking at days thinking this could be our last Saturday with just the two of us or the last Monday, etc. It is fun to think like that. We also have been taking advantage of the time we have together with just Bryce and I. It has been extra special and sweet lately. We have had to get creative in some of the things we do with each other. Hiking, climbing, and trail running isn't really an option. So we do things like canoe rides, walks around the lake, we went out to a nice restaurant, went to the movies, and we even had 2 free tickets to go to Biltmore Estates (the biggest home in America or something of that nature?). These are some of the things we wouldn't normally do, but we have enjoyed changing things up this last month.

Today we went to the doctor. Everything looks good and healthy, but no progress at this point. We were told to pick an induction date if we go past 41 weeks. Not what we were wanting to hear. I feel pretty strongly and I am backed lovingly by my husband that we want to do this as natural as possible. We live in a very progressive place where you have a lot more freedom in your laboring process. This of course is dependent on the situation, interventions are needed at times especially in emergency situations. The hospital has water birthing rooms, birthing stools, you don't have to be hooked to machines and monitors if everything is looking good. You don't have to give birth in the typical lay down on the bed position. We just really like how they do things and it has helped us be more comfortable with our decision of doing this at the hospital this time instead of at home.

Wow, all that said, to say we would really like to not get to the point of induction. So we are just going to pray that my body does it's thing that it was made to do and give it to God. I must admit I have had a hard time with this today mentally. But I am letting it go. Thank you for praying also.

So the doctor said not to go home and drink castor oil. Some woman think you can drink that stuff and it will induce labor. I said thanks, wasn't planning on it. So we bought kites on our way home and flew them outside instead. It was awesome. The weather was getting epic so we started to head in. 10 seconds later we had a DOWN POUR and crazy wind!!! It was so awesome! There was all kinds of thunder and lightning all around. It was not the first rain of the year, but first thunderstorm of the season. Here are some pics of the kite flying. Enjoy!

Yes those are penguins on the was that
or little mermaid.

14 Days

Well, 14 days left till expected D-Day and I am starting to think a crotchet hook looks pretty good. Today has been a good morning. Feeling healthy, blessed, and okay being pregnant another day. Tonight when I try to get into bed and back out, and into bed and back out, I might feel otherwise! I am amazed how much energy can go into the little things when you are 38 weeks in. Most of the time it is funny, sometimes it can be a little upsetting.

We are having just beautiful weather here. I cannot believe it is February. There is a good chance this Kid won't freeze when he/she comes out! It is supposed to be 71 today with full sunshine. On a walk yesterday I found my first flower. Can you believe it! We also found a Maple Tree starting to bud. Clearly this weather has confused some things around here. I am already itching to plant some flowers and work on a flower bed at the new place.

Happy Monday to all! Take in the small things, slow down, ride the Earth.


Newest Catch, this one is HUGE!

18 days

18 days until are actual due date. Really it could be 17 days depending on how you look at it. I think it is time I update this whole being pregnant for the last 37 1/2weeks and the fact that we are officially considered full term at this point.

To me,
some thoughts to remember:

- you LOVED being pregnant
- this is the sexiest you have ever felt in your life
- baby hiccups are amazing, but at night they keep you up
- the first time you felt his hiccups you thought his heart beat was dropping!
- August 6th you heard the heart beat, to your surprise you cried a little
- the first time you felt the Kid move, you mistook it for the beans you had for dinner
- you thought you were huge right away, boy you had no idea what was to come!
- "Holy Moly" was the phrase we used the first several weeks to describe us having this new creation in your belly (thank you to our niece Miri)
- at 36 weeks, though you loved pregnancy, it became official, you were ready for the Kid to come out
- you washed all the clothes that were hand me downs and neutral items at week 36 along with 3 dozen cloth diapers
- you didn't sleep through a night since a few days before you found out you were pregnant
- your favorite time with the Kid was in the mornings...though you loved it all
- if the Kid moved, it wasn't enough to just feel it in the inside, you just had to touch your stomach and follow his every move
- you had lots of dreams where you would look down at your stomach and you could see the Kid's hand or foot poking out of your skin!
- you had no real intuition if the Kid was a boy or girl though you said him most of the time. it just didn't mean you thought of the Kid as a boy.
- at some point, early November, Bryce could lay his head on your stomach and hear the Kid's heart beat
- you loved watching your stomach look like an invasion of aliens with Bryce
- you also loved having Bryce's hand on your stomach and would often grab his hand quickly if the Kid was doing something awesome
- you had no idea your life would begin to change before the Kid was "out", your life changed June 25th when the blue stripe popped up
- 37 weeks in and you have no idea what gender this baby will be, what it will look like, what kind of personality traits it will have, etc....but you are in love with the Kid already
- growing a child inside of you is hard work!
- you are married to an amazing man, who listens to the Lord, who loves you deeply, always wants what is best, works hard, is not selfish, listens to your concerns, desires, and silliness no matter how tired he is, and he is the most handsome man you have ever met...he is and will be an amazing father

Those are some things I wanted to look back on later on in life, may be even later on today! We are excited for what is to come. We cannot wait to hold this child, speak blessings over him or her, share all kinds of Jesus stories, teach the ways of the Lord, and encourage the Kid to become who God wants him to be a lover of people, to give his life away, and to follow Him no matter the cost, no matter the place or region, and to go without knowing.

thought a pic of me right after I was born would be fun!

danger and i went on a canoe ride yesterday evening, it was beautiful
big bellies can still get in a canoe but only with help!


Bryce and I have officially lived in the same city, however not the same house, for a straight year now. I have not lived in the same town for that length of time since I graduated college in May 2004. Bryce hasn't lived in the same town for that long since he graduated high school in December of 99'. We have both loved the places and travels God has desired for our lives. We each have great memories and adventures on the roads we have been on before meeting each other, and now we have so many great stories, truths, and journey's since being together.

We all know the saying "Not all who wander are lost". I know many can look at the lives we have had and say we were just lost wanders not knowing what to do with our lives. I often heard the words we were just unstable or that we didn't want to "settle down". I sometimes wonder what people said about Jesus' disciples and followers. The ones who lived in caves and in the desert. What about those guys who gave up the catch of their life to 'come and follow'? I have a feeling none of these people had a savings account or a 20 year plan. God always called them to this or to that and they listened to Him and followed.

I heard two things at the age of 19 that have stuck with me every since then. It wouldn't surprise me if they are in an earlier post.
1) Any road, any cost.
2) Go without knowing.
I am not talking about doing stupid things for the sake of doing it. I am talking about God telling you to go and you might not knowing what is ahead. I am talking about doing His will when even the people you love most advise against it. Having this heart that is so eager to bring honor and glory to His name you give your life for it. It is a love that make you dance even if the lights are on.

I must say, I have loved walking with God for now over 11 years. This walk has been incredible. Full of adventure, love, beauty, and colors.

Some places I have lived have been harder than others to find good community and friendships. I find it much harder in the 'city or town' life than I do living in the valley surrounded closely by others sharing bathrooms, kitchens, etc. It takes much longer in the typical town lifestyle. Somehow in my short crazy trip to San Angelo I was able to see two great friends of mine for a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon. It is too bad I can't explain how much those 2 hours meant to me and how refreshing it was to my soul. It is hard to replace the history of a long friendship. Bryce and I are really blessed to have made good friends and find good community where we live now. But I think my insides needed that good old friendship that tells you the good, the bad, pretty, and the ugly. It was just different this time. Yes it could be pregnancy emotions, though I haven't had much of those like they warn you about. It was just good. Thank you dear friends for always loving, always caring and praying, being truthful and honest, and for being okay with being over a 1,000 miles apart and talking once or so a year. I love you dearly!

Surprise Shower

The other great thing that happened when I was in San Angelo is my family threw me a surprise baby shower. They told me they had something for me the next morning but couldn't know what. I was kind of thinking they were going to take some pics of the belly or something of that nature. My mom and sister-in-law Brittany blindfolded me and took me all over town trying to get me confused. They stop the car, help me out, open some door and I hear surprise! We were a few blocks from my parents house at my Aunt Tammy's house. I was clueless!!! I seriously was so surprised I cried! I was so overwhelmed and felt so loved. They threw this party less than 3 hours from when my parent's birthday party was going to be! So brave! I am not sure what all to say about was just incredible. My parents, Brittany, my Aunt Candi and Tammy, Wanda, Ma, they all went all out making such a cute set-up for this party. Thank you, thank you! I have great family and friends in San Angelo with such a history. Here are some pics! They are not in order.

These were not only tasty, but very cute!

Ma, me and my mom

the spread

my mom's best friend since elementary
her daughter and my friend Brittany who
is expected her second daughter a few weeks after us

very surprised and teary!

my awesome Aunt Tammy


I will post in order of events that took place this past month. This might take a few post, but I promise to include pictures which is usually what people are wanting anyway.

I took a somewhat last minute trip to Texas to help throw a party for both of my parents 50th birthday. For years I knew I would come back to Texas for this awesome occasion, but being pregnant and the timing of everything made me question it all fall. I knew I would be around 33 weeks pregnant and it is hard to plan in advance when you have no idea how you will be doing at that time. Flying to San Angelo is also not very cheap and we found out back in September that having a baby isn't cheap either, even with health insurance! But seriously, your parents 50th birthday...when it comes down to it, who cares how much it cost or if you haven't slept good since June!!! Well worth the memories and the time you get just celebrating the life of two people you admire and love. It was a short trip, a weekend plus one day. I had so much fun with my family and they had a great time at their birthday party. My parents are as beautiful as ever! Happy Birthday Mom and Dad! Here are some pics of the party!

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