
Bryce and I have officially lived in the same city, however not the same house, for a straight year now. I have not lived in the same town for that length of time since I graduated college in May 2004. Bryce hasn't lived in the same town for that long since he graduated high school in December of 99'. We have both loved the places and travels God has desired for our lives. We each have great memories and adventures on the roads we have been on before meeting each other, and now we have so many great stories, truths, and journey's since being together.

We all know the saying "Not all who wander are lost". I know many can look at the lives we have had and say we were just lost wanders not knowing what to do with our lives. I often heard the words we were just unstable or that we didn't want to "settle down". I sometimes wonder what people said about Jesus' disciples and followers. The ones who lived in caves and in the desert. What about those guys who gave up the catch of their life to 'come and follow'? I have a feeling none of these people had a savings account or a 20 year plan. God always called them to this or to that and they listened to Him and followed.

I heard two things at the age of 19 that have stuck with me every since then. It wouldn't surprise me if they are in an earlier post.
1) Any road, any cost.
2) Go without knowing.
I am not talking about doing stupid things for the sake of doing it. I am talking about God telling you to go and you might not knowing what is ahead. I am talking about doing His will when even the people you love most advise against it. Having this heart that is so eager to bring honor and glory to His name you give your life for it. It is a love that make you dance even if the lights are on.

I must say, I have loved walking with God for now over 11 years. This walk has been incredible. Full of adventure, love, beauty, and colors.

Some places I have lived have been harder than others to find good community and friendships. I find it much harder in the 'city or town' life than I do living in the valley surrounded closely by others sharing bathrooms, kitchens, etc. It takes much longer in the typical town lifestyle. Somehow in my short crazy trip to San Angelo I was able to see two great friends of mine for a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon. It is too bad I can't explain how much those 2 hours meant to me and how refreshing it was to my soul. It is hard to replace the history of a long friendship. Bryce and I are really blessed to have made good friends and find good community where we live now. But I think my insides needed that good old friendship that tells you the good, the bad, pretty, and the ugly. It was just different this time. Yes it could be pregnancy emotions, though I haven't had much of those like they warn you about. It was just good. Thank you dear friends for always loving, always caring and praying, being truthful and honest, and for being okay with being over a 1,000 miles apart and talking once or so a year. I love you dearly!


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