fighting for me
Labels: my heart
shoes and shirt
Labels: Cap , sewing projects

Labels: Cap , outside activites
the things we do

Labels: activities for kids , Cap
11 Months

Labels: Cap growing updates
Pops and things

More updates coming up!!
Labels: family
Mr. Leo
My brother Jeromy and his wife Brittany had their first son born on February 5 (my birthday!!!). His name is Leo Knox Speciale and he is a cutie. I can hardly stand not buying a ticket to go see them right now! Have searched flights last night and again this morning. I will hold you soon Mr. Leo! Congratulations Jer and Britt. Welcome to the hardest best job you will ever take on. Praying for the both of you!
Labels: family
3 Decades
Today I have completed my 3rd decade living on this earth. I have heard a few times recently "Can you believe you are turning 30?". Well, yes and no. I went on a walk around camp with Cap yesterday and my mind starting going through all the things I have seen, been, and done in the last 10 years. It has been a beautiful journey. May be sometimes time seems to go by too fast, but most of the time, it is just exactly how it should be. Life is not flying before my eyes, but I make a honest effort not to let it. In most ways, we have sought out a simplified lifestyle and way of living so that as life races on downhill it doesn't grab our hand and drag us along hitting us on every bump, river and tree along the way. We would much rather walk down the trail taking notice of the lilies that bloom, the wind that blows the trees, and the ones who are hiking around us.
Labels: family
EC Update
We tap our head when it is time for Cap to go to the potty. We started this may be a month or so ago. The sign for toilet is way to difficult for a 10 month old so I created one to replace it. We have really started to make a big deal about going potty and asking if he needs to go. Even getting excited when he goes even though he has been doing this for some time now. We think it has helped the screaming during the whole 60 seconds he has to lay on his back while I take off and put back on his diaper. ( the kid does not like to stop) Our main goal, however, was that he could sign to us when he needs to go instead of me trying to time it right every day.