Heart My Family

Lets be honest, when dad is home for a whole day with no work, after a great hard work week, well,  it is just going to be a good day! Lots of fun to be had. Not to mention, a day of adult conversation. I love days like this.

We woke up and had breakfast. Then we all cleaned house. We were done by 9:30 I think, so then we went out to get some groceries and run around town. Came home Cap napped. I sewed. Bryce woodworked. The boy woke up. Then the baking began. Cap was really wanting to help bake this morning. He was walking around with the wisp saying chocolate chips:) So I asked if he wanted to help me bake some Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread. All he heard was chocolate so he said yes!

Cap like to taste every ingredient we put in the bowl. Flour. Salt. Baking Soda. Sugar. Yep. Everything. Then he says MmmmMmmm. Very cute. About 5% of the ingredients always make it back out of the bowl somehow.

But he loves to be involved in everything we do and wants to help the best way he knows how. Now is it helpful most of the time. Not at all. Quite counter productive most of the time. But this is what it is all about. Using everyday life to make teachable moments and being intentional teachers to our son. Does Cap 'really' clean the dishes with us, ha, no, but you better believe that he is going to find someone to bring his chair over to the sink so he can help us do whatever the heck he thinks we are doing with the sink full of water and bubbles.

Cooking and baking is just another great way to teach kids how to count, add, crack eggs, measure dry and wet ingredients, all the kinds of spices there are, etc. There are a lot of things Cap cannot do yet, but I think we underestimate what a 1 year old can do and also what he would love to be doing along side his parents contributing with the community. Instead of fighting his need for independence, which everyone has, we are helping him learn the skills towards independence which makes him feel like a champ, gives him confidence in himself, and makes him feel needed and part of what we are doing.

Anyways, all that to say, we had fun and got dirty!!! Oh then to wrap up our day, Bryce picked up pizza (you have no idea how many times I have had pizza this week! and it was my suggestion!!!), we ate some pumpkin bread (Cap wasn't a fan, may be he had too much of the dough), jumped off the couch 54 times and did 21 front rolls off of it, and got ready for bed. Good day.



Mary November 10, 2012 at 8:35 PM  

I really love this series of pictures!!
You are such a good mommy!

mishee41 November 14, 2012 at 7:22 AM  

Love, love this post!!! Yes, sounds like it was a great day!! Cap looks like he had so much for helping!! Love the pictures! PRICELESS! Love you

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