- you play with your teeth with your tongue a lot
- you still are not crawling which seems unbelievable for some reason, you get very frustrated at times and rock back and forth on all fours, but you just don't crawl
- even though you don't crawl, you roll and scoot backwards all over the living room
- rarely poop in your pants and you pee a lot in the toilet but you pee a lot in your pants too:)
- your side top tooth finally popped out and your front right tooth is just about to, 5 teeth total
- I have finally figured out why you cry and act so cranky at times, you are sleepy. I always knew you needed your sleep, but now I know I cannot make you wait just a little bit later or keep you on a tight schedule if you are tired. Or if you slept 13 straight hours and have only been up for 45 minutes but you are starting to get very fussy, I just have to lay you in your bed. I started to assume all the fuss was your personality and need to get enough words in but I was wrong. Sometimes you can't stay up for very long and sometimes you can.
- you don't whine for food as soon as you wake up, I LOVE this, even in the morning you don't act desperate like your brother did!
- you do great on stroller rides
- you did great in the car on our road trip to Texas and back, very impressed
- it takes you all of 6-8 minutes to eat off of me on both sides
- you put everything in your mouth and like to chew on your left hand finger
- you are starting to look slimmer
- eyebrows still tell it all
- you started to like drinking water, and you drink a lot of it when you eat food
- you will NOT sign for anything, dad says your only sign is your twisty hands and feet!
- you sometimes bust out laughing in your car seat and nothing is even back there!
- you don't like anyone to hold your hands, i think it is because they are in constant motion
You are great and I love you!
9 Months
Labels: Tuolumne growing updates
3 years old
I am so proud of my son.
You love BIG.
You are compassionate. You notice when characters in a book don't look very happy. When you are playing with Tuolumne, if she falls and cries, you cry...you hurt with her. On my bad days, you get real close to me, put your hand on me, turn your head sideways and ask if I can smile.
You are extremely polite and mannered. Generally you say, thank you, please, your welcome, bless you, etc without ever being asked to. You love to open doors for everyone. You like being helpful in any way you can and jump to the opportunity to do so.
You still like to hold my hand and be held on occasion. You like kisses right on the lips and hugs and pats on the back! Sometimes you ask to cuddle under the covers if you are cold. You always want to be carried downstairs to go to bed at night.
You are courageous. You are that same 9 month old boy who would crawl to the top of a slide and without hesitation go down belly first by yourself laughing all the way to the bottom. Only now you are 3 and climbing up what feels like to me these skyscraper sized ladders at the park and climbing your way to the top of boulders and jumping off of everything you can get on top of.
You love books. You would sit and listen for any length of time as long as someone was reading to you. The longer the story the better. You ask LOTS of questions and point out details of the book. You have a hard time sleeping if you know we have a fresh pile of library books in the house. "The Dark Dark Night" is still one of your favorites (thank you Capps Family). Curious George is your recent favorite from Christmas (thank you Nonna and Poppy). But you like every book you have and enjoy hearing again even the ones I feel you have outgrown.
You still like trucks and tractors but it is not ALL you do anymore. You like planes, puzzles, tools, and coloring. You love to swing outside. You recently have been asking to ride your Strider bike more often. You always ask about school and I think you are disappointed school is at home and will be for awhile.
You like to go out with me and run errands or go to the store.
We have been teaching you about how to talk to people. Whether it is on the phone or in person we are talking a lot about respectable ways to acknowledge people coming and going. You are getting very good at this! You are so good at asking people questions about themselves or about what is going on and this is something you did naturally by watching us and others.
You like to play hide and seek. You haven't figured out that putting your hands over your eyes doesn't make you camouflaged!
You always drink water and barely have milk anymore. You eat O's and yogurt most days but sometimes you want toast or a homemade muffin or biscuit instead.
You would eat cheese all day long if we let you! Dairy has been back since early fall, but in moderation!
We have had some pretty rough spots since August. I don't think people give credit to how much kids are taking in with what is going on around them. We have had a hard year and you have been affected by it. I am so very sorry.
You went from sleeping 12 hours at night since you were a baby to waking up 2-3 times a night. You would scream, you would cry, it was awful. Putting you to bed became a nightmare as well.
We gave you a lot of grace considering what was going on in our family, but we also stuck with our night time sleep rules and standards. At the end of January when you got the flu, all of a sudden the waking up at night stopped. You started to go to bed easier too. We have no idea why it changed, but we are so glad it did.
You still nap everyday. Usually about 2 - 2 1/2 hours long. Every so often we skip a nap on purpose.
You really like to rock climb and hike.
You love to be silly with us and to be silly with Tuolumne. She lights up when you are around and so do you. I think you will be great friends.
You are confident. You are not afraid to let us know when you are doing a great job at something, but you also let us know if we are doing a great job. I like this about you.
You eat whatever we are eating but you are particular on how you want it. You might want it "big", or in triangles, squares, whole, etc. but you definitely have an opinion on it. I don't mind this as long as long as you are asking nice.
You saw your first movie in a big theatre during Thanksgiving. We watched Planes and you loved it!
Cap you are brave, bold, strong, courageous....and many more things. Thank you for always loving us, teaching us, and believing. I love you!
Labels: Cap , Cap growing updates , family
The Now
Tonight, I held her tight a little bit longer. I did something, we don't usually do in our home. I let her fall asleep on me. I am sure this sounds silly to most. But from day 1, we have always laid our kids down awake and let them fall asleep on their own.
Today was different. I turned the light off before laying her in the crib and she did her usual "slam her head down on my chest" thing. This time instead of laying her down I sat in the chair that I insisted on being in her room. We just sat.
It was peaceful, dark and the songs of life filled her room. Her ears pressed hard against my beating heart. Her right hand gripped my shoulder. My head rested on hers as I held her little body tightly against my torso.
Moments like this make my heart full.
8 Months
I tried hard to do this before our big road trip, but it didn't happen. Then our computer wasn't working the entire time in Texas. We got back Monday night and had the computer fixed yesterday. So here we are at 8 1/2 months instead of 8. However, this was written at 8 months so surely that counts for somewhat on time!!! Lots to share later.
For now, here are a few new things the girl is up to.
- loves to play with toys
- use your finger to explore new and old things
- threw up for the first time thanks to the flu
- your face tells it all, there is no mystery
- extremely expressive hands and feet (moving and twirling)
- pretty much down to 4 breastfeeds a day
- you always eat dinner but rarely food throughout the rest of the day
- take 2-3 naps a day
- go down at night around 6ish and get up between 6-7 am
- you play with your tongue
- you want to crawl, but mostly you scoot backwards
- starting to be very verbal
- you haven't added a ton to your eating list, spinach, prunes, peas, green beans, oatmeal (which you don't like), yogurt (same), and a little bit of this and that of what we are eating. we can add a little banana to most things and you will eat it.
- you don't like to be in a room alone
- your top tooth on the side popped out kind of out of no where (makes #3)
- spent your last 2 days of being 7 months old on a road trip to New Mexico and Texas
- you are finally back on the same nap schedule as Cap
- almost always sleep on me for the entire Sunday morning gatherings
- you smile and give goo goo eyes to most people but do NOT want them touching you
- Cap is still the best at making you laugh
- you like to swing
- you like to be outside
Labels: Tuolumne growing updates