9 Months

- you play with your teeth with your tongue a lot
- you still are not crawling which seems unbelievable for some reason, you get very frustrated at times and rock back and forth on all fours, but you just don't crawl
- even though you don't crawl, you roll and scoot backwards all over the living room
- rarely poop in your pants and you pee a lot in the toilet but you pee a lot in your pants too:)
- your side top tooth finally popped out and your front right tooth is just about to, 5 teeth total
- I have finally figured out why you cry and act so cranky at times, you are sleepy. I always knew you needed your sleep, but now I know I cannot make you wait just a little bit later or keep you on a tight schedule if you are tired. Or if you slept 13 straight hours and have only been up for 45 minutes but you are starting to get very fussy, I just have to lay you in your bed. I started to assume all the fuss was your personality and need to get enough words in but I was wrong. Sometimes you can't stay up for very long and sometimes you can.
- you don't whine for food as soon as you wake up, I LOVE this, even in the morning you don't act desperate like your brother did!
- you do great on stroller rides
- you did great in the car on our road trip to Texas and back, very impressed
- it takes you all of 6-8 minutes to eat off of me on both sides
- you put everything in your mouth and like to chew on your left hand finger
- you are starting to look slimmer
- eyebrows still tell it all
- you started to like drinking water, and you drink a lot of it when you eat food
- you will NOT sign for anything, dad says your only sign is your twisty hands and feet!
- you sometimes bust out laughing in your car seat and nothing is even back there!
- you don't like anyone to hold your hands, i think it is because they are in constant motion

You are great and I love you!


yoga pose 

a little side tooth action:)


mishee41 April 4, 2014 at 8:15 AM  

This Nonna just LOVES this girl! Sure do miss her! Love the pictures! She has so much expression in her eyes! Sweet girl! :)

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