Cap is 5...well, 4 months ago

There are many sad things that came from the Great Nap, but my lack of blogging our family life is one of the biggest. You think you are going to remember things. You think you will never forget the funny things your kids liked to do or say. You think you will remember their favorite games or what they wanted to do on their "special" day but you just don't. You can't. Weeks go by and turn into months and before long they are doing something else hilarious or annoying and you can't seem to remember the funny thing they use to say anymore. 

It is. So. Bittersweet. If I have learned anything this past year it is parenting is a constant river of bittersweet. Sometimes I think my heart can't take it. Like I can't keep holding it all together with all these varied emotions. It is always for a different reason. Mostly full of love. The kind of love that makes your heart burst. There are many moment I am surprised it doesn't. 

Here we are. 3 years down the road from the Great Nap. I am going to attempt having updates more often. Mostly for us and family far away. 

I did post about Cap turning 5 but I wanted to post more what he is into these days.

-finished our first year of official homeschooling
-we did CC 1 day a week and the rest at home (it was rare to do real school 4 days a week though)
-Cap went through a huge Octonuats phase. he constantly was telling us facts about life in the ocean. i was constantly amazed.
-he got very into Legos last summer while his cousins were visiting for 5 weeks. his love has only grown.
-he is very good at reading 
-loves making things for people. mostly coloring things but always writes a note on them too.
-has become a stronger swimmer. i still watch him but i have never had to grab him.
-loves to climb and loves adventure
-loves to watch Fixer Upper with me. he even pretend plays it and will give me three options of what to do with my house
-is SO much better at saying yes ma'am or sir. penny jar made that happen thanks to his grammi and papa.
-loves to camp and play in water. doesn't care if it is cold
-he is a protector. we see it in a lot of ways. he does it a lot with Tuolumne. 
-he is our sugar eater. i say no numerous times a day for his sugar request.
he is always "saving" his money for Legos and I think we need to start doing an allowance to teach him about money. 
-he cruised through math and started 1st grade math halfway in the year. he is a numbers guy for sure
-he likes science experiments and art. I don't think he could say one thing is his favorite over another. 
-he worked so hard on his confidence this year. i know it is getting better, but being outgoing around people he doesn't know as well is not his thing. he will talk your ear off once he knows you. presentations helped that at school but it wasn't until the last month or so he started doing them by himself without me up there saying most of everything. 
-started gymnastics last fall and LOVES it
-one of his best friends is Sophia
-he is great with little kids and can play with the bigs just fine
-he is strong and courageous and bold
-he likes maps of any kind or globes
-he learned to ride a bike on his birthday but stopping and starting on his own took time. does great at the park riding but looses confidence on the sidewalks.
-i should note that Bryce had to be gone for 2 weeks on his birthday
-always helpful
-seriously the best big brother
-has gotten really into holidays this year
-has had way too many strep test done this past winter, positive at least 3 times
-sleeps on top bunk
-gets out of bed on his own, doesn't have to ask anymore
-stop taking naps when school started. it was drastic but he just stopped needing them

I could probably go on and on. I will write on one conversation we had this past May. He was talking to us both about the Holy Spirit and healing people. I wanted to know how he could heal people. Bryce talked to him about having the power of the Holy Spirit in us and you can have the Holy Spirit by asking for it. So lots of conversations going on in a matter of a couple of days or so. I was on the porch one afternoon while T was napping. Cap was out back playing and he blast throught the front door excitedly and asked guess what? I said what. He said I can heal people now. I prayed and asked Jesus for the Holy Spirit and now I can heal people. I was excited with him and surprised at the timing of it as well. Most of the time I feel in adequate to help lead my kids toward Jesus. He ran downstairs to tell his dad which led to more talks. 

So there is my boy Cap Elias Ball. It drives me nuts how time has passed. It hurts a little to see Tuolumne at her age now and to think what we were all going through when Cap was that age. I hardly remember that stage for him. But we keep moving. Keep sharing our story old and new. We are all learning and getting stronger. I am so proud of Cap and who he is becoming. 

Last day being 4 years old! All these pictures
were taken in March, his birthday month. 

Hiking Siamese Twins trail at Garden of the gods 

Last snuggle with my 4 year old.

Surprised him with an Octonaut "type" cake.
this is as good as it gets for me! He loved it!

I love how Tuolumne helped him with all his gifts.
He was so kind and let her!

Lego creation after Lego creation

 some serious hair those days

he is our snow lover!

this is the day he started to look older. 

Rope in our backyard gets hours of play a day!

he wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse for his birthday.  


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