New Things

I have been writing this since last Friday!!! It is not even long it just shows that I have no time to finish it. So here it is..not really done.

Cap has been doing some new stuff lately. He is always adding to his repertoire, but the last few days have felt different to me. I love those days where our communication is just 'on'. We speak to each other without words, but so much is said each day. Friday was one of those fun days with him. He decided he wants to use his legs and stand up now. He is incredibly strong! Bryce had him in a booth yesterday with his back against the seat and he was standing without us. It is just crazy! He is working on sitting up by himself now and getting stronger as we give him opportunity to do so. He gets so tickled about standing. He is so happy!

We have also been having some great EC moments. Nothing is better than that. Am I stoked that we have to change and clean one less diaper...yes...however, there is so much more going on than that. It is again this form of communication where we are trying to understand each other more and more. If you could see Cap's excitement when he pees or poos outside of his diaper you too would be sold on this method too.

I guess lately I have been so amazed at this process of growing 'up' a human. We were amazed every week when Cap was inside of me all the new things that were growing and forming. How is body was preparing itself for life outside the womb. Now every week we get to be amazed how slowly he will become more independent. One day sooner than later, he will successfully put his bullet back in his mouth. On another day he will crawl around the room finding an object of his choice. One day he will put on his own shirt and his own socks. One day he might even want to rock on his own guitar! It is just crazy watching so closely someone grow like this. Figuring out depth perception. How to grab and let go of things. Using your legs for the first time. Turning over. It is incredible!


mishee41 July 8, 2011 at 11:08 PM  

Awe... Cap.. he is the sweetest thing! Love to hear about the new Cap stuff! It is so amazing to watch babies grow! It is such a work of the Lord! It is... such a miracle indeed! Give Cap a kiss from me!! :)

Tammy July 14, 2011 at 10:06 AM  

Finally found your blogspot again; I have had to use a different computer that didn't have you in the hx/fav and I just couldn't find yall. I so enjoy any updates and pics on my precious Cap. It is amazing to be around this.

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