July 12, 2013

This is July 12, 2013. This was a day full of waiting from what I understand. My surgery kept getting moved around and I ended up not going in until about midnight. I was told I was very hungry! 

I have been told bits and pieces of this long story so many times. This might sound odd, but it has been fun writing about it a day at a time. Even though I was answering questions and showing memory and comprehension at this time in ICU, I only remember a couple of things about the end of my stay in the hospital. I don't think I knew or could understand the seriousness of my condition until now. 

There are so many more layers woven into this story I would love to share. Over time I hope to do so. 
Still more to come. 

Getting to hold T without a bunch of tubes and wires.

Papa reading to Cap.

She is composing music.

First real bath besides the hospital I think


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